Why Us?

About MLS

Let us help you deliver accurate and organized medical records

Medical Legal Spider lets you focus on the critical aspects of your case, confident that you know exactly what is and is not in the medical record. Our experienced medical-legal litigation support teams take on the manual tasks of processing medical records, efficiently delivering Medical Indexes, Chronologies, Categorized Files and Summaries, all prepared in accord with your proven formats and case specific special instructions. Our clients save hundreds to thousands of dollars on large complex medical records, which are often a central part of their cases.

When your case depends on a well organized, easy to navigate medical record, Medical Legal Spider casts a web over your file. We'll sort all relevant documents, sift through huge amounts of information and extract the crucial provider notes and clinical data. Hyperlinks, like electronic strands of a spider web, are left behind for instant file navigation.

Why us?

Get Exceptional
Service For Growth

Medical Legal Spider lets you focus on the critical aspects of your case, confident that you know exactly what is and is not in the medical record.

Medical Records

Make sure you are well-informed about all the important medical details related to your case.

Legal proceedings

A comprehensive medical history database is essential for all legal proceedings, from settlement reviews to trial.

Time management

It is possible to lessen your review time and allocate your knowledgeable personnel for more important tasks.

Profitable expense

You can reduce your costs by up to 40% and convert overhead expenses into billable file expenditure.

Accurate informations

Improve screening for merit, identify problem cases earlier and more accurately determine settlement values.


We provides secure file transfer through their private system or a commercial cloud-based platform.

Case Study

Cases Supported

Automobile Accidents

We can assist you with the entire insurance claim process, from initial filing to negotiations with the insurance adjuster to litigation.

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Complex Medical Record

MLS transforms complex medical records into useful, easy-to-work-with information, so you can focus on building a winning case.

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Questions? Call us

Call Medical Legal Spider today to know how you can improve your case review process.


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Increase your knowledge of the salient medical aspects in all cases you review or litigate.

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Press release

MLS is a software designed to address litigation support needs in the medical-legal market.

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Find the smoking gun in your cases faster