Medical Record Summaries


Narrative Medical Record Summaries

Save review time with Medical Legal Spider's fact based Chronologies and Summaries. Assign in-house staff to more critical litigation support tasks.

Medical Record Summaries

When you want to confidently know the important information contained in the medical records without having to personally decipher each and every document, our fact based narrative summaries are right on target. We will capture the who, what, when, where and user defined clinical data from each relevant medical encounter, presented in Chronological or Reverse Chronological order. For instant reference to source documents, Hyperlinks can be embedded into the Index and throughout the Summary.

Of course, Medical Legal Spider will deliver Chronologies and narrative Summaries in your preferred format. Please ask for details.

1. Quickly identify

Quickly identify your cases' strengths and weaknesses, and settlement values.

2. Easy visualization

Easy visualization of all injuries, diagnostic and treatment time frames and providers.

3. Helpful and Easiest

Custom Summary formatting simplifies clinical data, injury/illness history, treatments, medications, and other facts for easier use.

4. 25% to 40%

Organized medical record summaries significantly decrease review time by anywhere from 25% to 40%.

5. Accurate transcription

Medical Legal Spider's Summaries provide an accurate transcription of handwritten notes.

6. Quality Control

Our proven processes and quality control measures eliminate typographical errors.

7. Instant access

Embedded Hyperlinks provide instant access to all source documents cited.

With Medical Legal Spider's systematically organized electronic medical record in hand, any reviewer can efficiently navigate through the source documents to effectively evaluate even the largest most complex medical record…saving the firm time and money.