Record Coding Support


Record Coding Support

Efficiently catalog every medical record in your possession and quickly identify the who, what, and when of each record.

Comprehensive Cataloging

Ensure that each medical record in your possession is identified accurately, giving you quick access to essential information.

Duplicate and Irrelevant Record Omission

Efficiently determine the contents of your records, omitting duplicates, other patients' records, non-medical documents, and non-relevant treatment documents.

Record Comparison

Compare records received from various sources, including clients, medical providers, opposing counsel, and insurers, to ensure consistency and completeness.

Provider Bill Matching

Verify that there are medical records to match each provider bill and vice versa, ensuring accurate billing and record-keeping.

Workflow Staging

Stage the work to be done in even the largest files, matching your needs at each step of the litigation process, for a more organized and efficient review.

Suggested Uses
  • Chaotic Files
    Bring order to disorganized and chaotic files.
  • Non-related Prior Treatment
    Isolate and manage records related to prior treatments that are not pertinent to the current case.
  • Low-Value Cases
    Quickly inventory and assess records for cases with lower value, optimizing resource allocation.
  • Quick Inventory of Records
    Perform a rapid inventory of all records to get a comprehensive overview.

Let Medical Legal Spider streamline your record coding process, providing clarity and organization throughout your litigation.